QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene events
I have a problem to understand how events are propagated to the graphicsScene and GraphicsView.
I have a OpenGl view at the background of the QGraphicsScene (drawbackground event) and some widgets which are in
my GraphicsScene with transparency.When I clicked on a push_button of a widget inside the scene, the event is propagated in the OPENGL view before
the widget push buttonI tried 2 things :
@bool QGraphicsView::viewportEvent(QEvent *event){
bool tag = QGraphicsView::viewportEvent(event);
QAdapterScene * pAdapterScene = dynamic_cast<QAdapterScene*>(scene());
if (pAdapterScene) {
//OpenGL events
}return tag;
bool QAdapterScene::event(QEvent *event){
bool tag = QGraphicsScene::event(event);
//OpenGL events
this->mapEvent(event);return tag;
But each time, events on widget were received after le map event function.
Do you know how I can resolve my problem ?
Thanks for your help