Qt 5.3 on OS X 10.9 (cross-compiling Android)
Hello, I just trying to build Qt (in fact, I need to build only some modules not the whole Qt) for Android on my Mac.
I set up $JAVA_HOME, $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT variables. Also I set up $ANDROID_API_VERSION to android-20, as I have {$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/android-20 directory.
I run configure script like this:
@./configure -xplatform android-g++ -nomake tests -nomake examples -android-ndk /Users/alexeykolikov/android-ndk-r10 -android-sdk /Users/alexeykolikov/android-sdk -android-ndk-host darwin-x86_64 -android-toolchain-version 4.8 -android-ndk-platform android-20 -skip qttranslations -skip qtwebkit -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit-examples -no-warnings-are-errors
And got these results at the end of the log:
@Running configuration tests...
Warning: Disabling pkg-config since PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR is not set.
Warning: Disabling pkg-config since PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR is not set.Could not determine the target architecture!
Turn on verbose messaging (-v) to see the final report.
STL functionality check failed! Cannot build Qt with this STL library.
Turn on verbose messaging (-v) to /Users/alexeykolikov/Documents/github/qt5/qtbase/configure to see the final report.
Did someone encountered this issue? -
It seems that several people are getting problem with r10. You should try to contact the necessitas google group or go to the #necessitas IRC channel to may get quicker help.
Also, have a look at the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if there's something about that
adding -android-ndk-platform android-19 (android-19 being an installed platform in you android-ndk/platforms folder) solved this issue for me.
it seems the default ndk-platform used is no longer supplied with current editions of the android ndk for mac os x