How can we set the width of a vertical header in a TableView when new rows are added.?
I tried using the QHeaderView, kept the orientation as Vertical. Then with the help of the sizeHint of the QHeaderView class like below:
@QSize QHeaderView::sizeHint() const
Q_D(const QHeaderView);
if (d->cachedSizeHint.isValid())
return d->cachedSizeHint;
d->cachedSizeHint = QSize(0, 0); //reinitialize the cached size hint
const int sectionCount = count();// get size hint for the first n sections int i = 0; for (int checked = 0; checked < 100 && i < sectionCount; ++i) { if (isSectionHidden(i)) continue; checked++; QSize hint = sectionSizeFromContents(i); d->cachedSizeHint = d->cachedSizeHint.expandedTo(hint); } // get size hint for the last n sections i = qMax(i, sectionCount - 100 ); for (int j = sectionCount - 1, checked = 0; j >= i && checked < 100; --j) { if (isSectionHidden(j)) continue; checked++; QSize hint = sectionSizeFromContents(j); d->cachedSizeHint = d->cachedSizeHint.expandedTo(hint); } return d->cachedSizeHint;
Then I used the geometriesChanged function of the QTableView. which is:
void QTableView::updateGeometries()
if (d->geometryRecursionBlock)
d->geometryRecursionBlock = true;int width = 0; if (!d->verticalHeader->isHidden()) { width = qMax(d->verticalHeader->minimumWidth(), d->verticalHeader->sizeHint().width()); width = qMin(width, d->verticalHeader->maximumWidth()); } int height = 0; if (!d->horizontalHeader->isHidden()) { height = qMax(d->horizontalHeader->minimumHeight(), d->horizontalHeader->sizeHint().height()); height = qMin(height, d->horizontalHeader->maximumHeight()); } bool reverse = isRightToLeft(); if (reverse) setViewportMargins(0, height, width, 0); else setViewportMargins(width, height, 0, 0); // update headers QRect vg = d->viewport->geometry(); int verticalLeft = reverse ? vg.right() + 1 : (vg.left() - width); d->verticalHeader->setGeometry(verticalLeft,, width, vg.height()); if (d->verticalHeader->isHidden()) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(d->verticalHeader, "updateGeometries"); int horizontalTop = - height; d->horizontalHeader->setGeometry(vg.left(), horizontalTop, vg.width(), height); if (d->horizontalHeader->isHidden()) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(d->horizontalHeader, "updateGeometries");
I called this function in a signal slot connection when new columns are added. But still the size is the minimumwidth(20) or something which I set in the starting.. Even though there are index in the vertival footer with numbers upto 5000 and these are displayed so small because of 20 minimumwidth I set.
If what I think is wrong, please sugggest another idea. I just want it to change and get set dynamically.
Thanks in advance.
Something is not clear, QHeaderView should resize itself automatically. What problem did you encounter ?
Hii SGaist
The width of the vertical header is not set automatically. I dont know why.. Can you tell me why? The minimum width that I set in the constructor is the fixed width but changing even though there are more numbers of more width added.
Can you show a minimal sample for code that shows that the header is not resized ?
Hey SGaist, I found the way for setting it. I solved it. I used a signal from the QHeaderView : sectionCountChanged(int, int).. I connected it to a public slot in my class that inherits QTableView.
In the connected slot, I took the font of the tableview and then considered the width of the last number of the index in the vertical header. There could be a small offset but I added a offset of 4 pixels and set this as the minimumwidth of the vertical header. The width gets updated when new rows are header file containing the slot is:
public slots:
void slotVerticalSectionsCountChanged(int xOld, int xNew);
@My cpp file contains the connect in the constructor like:
connect(verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionCountChanged(int, int)), this, SLOT(slotVerticalSectionsCountChanged(int, int)));
@The slot is defined as follows:
void xxxxxxxx::slotVerticalSectionsCountChanged(int xOld, int xNew)
Q_UNUSED(xNew)// Get the current no. of rows of the table view QString tString = count();
// QString tString = xNew; // xNew is the current rows
// The font of the current table or the vertical header is taken for calculating the width of the index value of the last index QFont font = verticalHeader()->font(); QFontMetrics tFm(font); // 4 pixels are added as buffer pixels since the margins slightly affect the view of the vertical header int width = tFm.width(tString) + 4; // We set this value as the width verticalHeader()->setMinimumWidth(width);
@Hope this could be a help for anyone in the future. Cheers!