QNetworkAccessManager never sends request
I am writing an application where I need to call a web service to get initialisation data.
In my app I have got a splash screen with a new thread for executing my initialisation code.
This is all surrounded by an event loop so seems to work fine. However in my new thread When I try to make a call to my service I get nothing and it just sits there indefinitely. I can step through and see the request being created. this is then passed int the QNetworkAccessManager's get function. I then connect up all the signals and slots.
However nothing is being sent and none of the slots are triggered.
Am I missing something simple here?Here is a rough example of what my request function is doing:
void httpRequest::getRequest(QUrl& url)
if (_response) { return; }_responseError = false; createRequest(url); _response = _webCtrl.get(*_request); connect(_response, (void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))&QNetworkReply::error, this, &httpRequest::errorOccurred); connect(_response, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &httpRequest::netRequestComplete);
@ -
I have not exactly solved my issue but have worked around it. I have now removed all processing threads and put all my QNetwork... code into the slashScreen. This seems to have fixed it as the requests are now actually going and I am getting all the slots triggered.
Still unsure why this exact same code did not work through another thread. -
Which thread created request ? Is it worker thread or main thread. If it is worker thread, try creating in worker thread. It may be something to with ownership of NetworkManager object.
Yes, I have a wrapper class that creates the QNetworkAccessManager and all of the request objects. This class is instanced in the run method of a QRunnable in a pointer with all signals and slots connected.
I can see the request being created but none of the slots ever get called.
If I call the exact same code from within the main thread it all works fine.
Will try and put together an example project showing this and post it later.