Maps on Android:
Hello, I'm trying to make a project for school using Qt Quick on Android and I need to put a map module for the user to interact with.
I read the forums and it seems WebView which is used for map applications on Desktop isn't supported on Android.
Also read something about the LocationModule. I'd like to know if support for maps on Android devices is available or if there's any way to manage connectivity and interaction with a map service, preferably Google Maps but any service will suffice.
Thanks in advance!
That's true, webviews are not allowed on android (when?)
Have a look here :
Tell me if it works !Bye
Hi and welcome to devnet,
There's now the "QtWebView": module that aims to provide a native web view.
very very nice!
thanks for the info +1
[quote author="SGaist" date="1409132663"]Hi and welcome to devnet,
There's now the "QtWebView": module that aims to provide a native web view.[/quote]