Webkit is WebPage has error
in this site http://m.naver.com/
and with web view
!http://stick.coffee/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/click_this.png(click this)!
when i click right red rectangle arrow icon, nothing happened.
but in normal web browser it expanded like this
why it dose not work in Qt WebView, but work in normal browser.
anyone can help me
I tried it on Linux in Firefox, Qt Demo browser, and Chrome.
- Firefox
On fresh loaded page is loaded I had to click twice to get an expanded view. After that it works as expected. - Qt demo browser
The same way as Firefox. - Chrome
In Chrome on Linux it works from first click.
- Firefox
I'm check in pyqt 4.11.1 with python 2.7.x (32bit), pyqt 5.3.1 with python 3.4.x (32bit)
and test environment is windows7 64bit,
It's not work..
It happened just for me?[quote author="andreyc" date="1408637460"]I tried it on Linux in Firefox, Qt Demo browser, and Chrome.
- Firefox
On fresh loaded page is loaded I had to click twice to get an expanded view. After that it works as expected. - Qt demo browser
The same way as Firefox. - Chrome
In Chrome on Linux it works from first click.
- Firefox
I see some javascript error,
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Audio [0 line, undefined source]
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object [0 line, undefined source]in def javaScriptConsoleMessage(self, message, line, source) handler.
why this error ouccor??