[Merged] [Suggestion] Subscription and mail notification for wiki pages
Is it possible to be notified by mail when someone modify a page? It is quite an useful feature.
At least user should be provided an option to be notified via email for any changes to the wiki pages created or edited by the user.
From my point of view, it's not very consistent that forum threads can be observed by subscribing to them, whereas an equivalent solution for wiki pages is missing. The mail notfication logic available for the forum (first change since last visit triggers just one mail) would fit perfectly for wiki updates. The link that should be included within the mail should point on the diff from last visit to the recent version, or maybe on the diff from the triggering edit.
I think patrolling recent changes is somewhat old-fashioned and also confusing for multilingual contributions.
Isn't this something for the wishes list?
There was a similar "request":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/47/ in old days, not sure about its status, but it is marked as solved.
I read that RSS delivers recent changes and new pages. The last one I would be interested in, but recent changes is overkill for most contributors.
Where should we reanimate this topic, here or "there":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/47/ - what do you think?
Wolf P., merged these topics, so we can continue just here :)