Qlogging.ini is not the correct name!!!!
Found a bug in the Qt documentation, just wanted to share it so anyone that is using logging categories knows. The documentation says:
Rules set by setFilterRules() take precedence over rules specified in the QtProject configuration directory, and can, in turn, be overwritten by rules from the configuration file specified by QT_LOGGING_CONF, and rules set by QT_LOGGING_RULES.
Order of evaluation:
Rules from QtProject/qlogging.ini
Rules set by setFilterRules()
Rules from file in QT_LOGGING_CONF
Rules from environment variable QT_LOGGING_RULESSee here http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qloggingcategory.html#logging-rules.
It turns out the file is qtlogging.ini, not qlogging.ini. I know it is a small typo, but it won't work. Also, please note that the section in the ini file is [Rules].
Reported as QTBUG-40845.
It's already been fixed for 5.3.2 and a temporary doc note was added