Get items after loading a qml file using the Loader QML
What is the best way to get an item in a different QML file?
I have something like that:
Button {
text: qsTr("text")
onClicked: {
onClicked: circleLoader.source = "circle.qml";
@And I am getting the attribute width in circle.qml - this file has many rectangles - using this line of code:
@Does anyone know a better way of doing this?
Try with circleLoader.item.width
You can access the children object of Item. That is the only way. Your posting already included this.
You can try with only this as you have done it.
@ console.log(pageL.item.children[0].width)
@ -
[quote author="Dheerendra" date="1407907351"]You can access the children object of Item. That is the only way. Your posting already included this.
You can try with only this as you have done it.
@ console.log(pageL.item.children[0].width)
@[/quote]OK, thank you very much.