QTableView drag/drop question
I have a QTableView with a subclassed model. The QTableView has 1 visible column and 2 hidden columns.Everything seems to be working fine except for the drag/drop operation needed to allow users to order the rows. The drag/drop will only move the first column (the visible column). The 2 hidden columns aren't handled. The overloaded model's setData() only gets called with the model index for the visible column. Everything
works fine if the 2 hidden columns are set to visible.I was thinking of just storing all of the data in the first column as a list but then that sort of circumvents using a QTableView in the first place. Should I be overloading the QAbstractItemModel::dropMimeData or try something else?
thanks in advance.
This sounds like a bug, then, I would say. You can publish it in the bug tracker: https://bugreports.qt-project.org