The Ultimate DevDays QtQuick Guide
bq. Disclaimer: my spontaneous take on a good route through DevDays 2010 sessions for those focusing 100% on Qt Quick
Sessions relevant for QtQuick / QML / QtDeclarative
<table border=1 width=100%><tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="#84c465">Training (Day 0)</td></tr><tr><td>All Day</td><td>Qt Quick for C++ Developers:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="#84c465">Tech sessions (Day 1)</td></tr><tr><td>Pre-lunch</td><td>*** keynotes***</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>--- Lunch ---</td></tr><tr><td>13:00</td><td>Scene Graph: A Different Approach to Graphics in Qt (relevant as a new back-end to QtDeclarative instead of QGraphicsView in the future)</td></tr><tr><td>14:15</td><td>Qt/3D QML Scripting for UI Designers and Hackers (relevant as a way for QML programmers to create 3D content and create scenes, and mashing up 2D+3D)</td></tr><tr><td>16:00</td><td>From UI Design to Deployed App (Qt Quick) (Designers perspective on QtDeclarative and QML)</td></tr><tr><td>17:15</td><td>Meet Qt Quick (Simple introduiction to QtDeclarative and QML)</td><tr><tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="#84c465">Tech sessions (Day 2)</td></tr><tr><td>09:00</td><td>New Qt APIs for Mobile Development: Mobility I (relevant as mobility will come with QML bindings)</td></tr><tr><td>10:15</td><td>Qt Quick for C++ Developers (title says it all)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>--- Lunch ---</td><tr><tr><td>12:30</td><td>*** nothing really super relevant, go hack QML in a corner with a beer ***</td></tr><tr><td>13:45</td><td>Qt Components: The Future of Widgets (QML plugin module giving you widgets that use e.g. MeeGo L&F)</td></tr><tr><td>15:30</td><td>UI Design for Small-Screen Devices (title says it all)</td></tr></table>
Not much solidity on BOFs etc at this point, but all the time there is ample opportunity to talk with Trolls and you'll see people sitting with laptops hacking and talking all over the place if no BOF's come to pass.
See you there!
@mario, this is a while out in the future, but check out "":