QSystemDeviceInfo General OS-related error
im trying to deploy "QSystemDeviceInfo tutorial":http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Working_with_QSystemDeviceInfo_-System_Information_API-_Part_1 on Nokia nonTouch E63
all i get isbq. " Could not install from package C:\Data\SystemDeviceInfo.sis on device: General OS-related error "
eventhough tutorial says
bq. S60 3rd Edition, FP1, FP2
any solution
it is Qt using mobility under Nokia device
i found the solution
it uses ReadDeviceData Capability
which couldnt b signed w selfSignedso i signed it for testing using Online Service "OpenSignedOnline":https://www.symbiansigned.com/app/page/public/openSignedOnline.do