QFileSystemWatcher problem
Hi all,
I am using a QFileSystemWatcher to keep an eye on a Picture on RAM disk.
When the picture is replace by another, which mean it is "modified".
and i would like to emit a signal and get the image to display on a QLabel.It works when i use QTimer to replace the QFileSystemWatcher.
It seems QFileSystemWatcher is not emitting any signal.
my code ask following:
@Dialog::Dialog(QWidget parent) :
ui(new Ui::Dialog)
/ timer = new QTimer(this);
timer->start(100);*/QFileSystemWatcher watcher; watcher.addPath("/mnt/rd/frame.jpg"); hsvSaveConnect(); checkBox(); connect(ui->save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(saveValueToSD())); connect(ui->load,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(loadInitValue())); connect(&watcher,SIGNAL(fileChanged(const QString &)),this,SLOT(loadImage())); connect(&watcher,SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString &)),this,SLOT(loadImage())); qDebug() << watcher.files() << watcher.directories();
void Dialog::loadImage()
qDebug() << "img loaded"; QPixmap original("/mnt/rd/frame.jpg"); if(original.isNull()) { qDebug()<<"Failed to load image."; } ui->original->setPixmap(original);
It may be because you are using the QFileSystemWatcher as local variable inside the constructor. Try changing the same to
QFileSystemWatcher *watch = new QFileSystemWatcher
It should work.