Locals and Expressions window is blank
Hello, my Locals and Expressions window has stopped working and is blank. I have read that I should download gdb but I can't find that. What should I do? Would downloading the latest Qt help?
Here is my pro file:
@QT += core guigreaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = GaugeMon
TEMPLATE = appSOURCES += main.cpp
GaugeMon.cppHEADERS +=
GaugeMon.hFORMS +=
GaugeMon.uiOTHER_FILES +=
#---Following added when DAQ library was added---
#win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../DAQ_C/ -lcbw32
#else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../DAQ_C/ -lcbw32d
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../DAQ_C/ -lcbw32INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../DAQ_C
@The only thing that looks odd in my debug log is this:
@>&"Python Exception <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'> 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xff' in position 867: ordinal not in range(128): \n"&"Error occurred in Python command: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xff' in position 867: ordinal not in range(128)\n"
3473^error,msg="Error occurred in Python command: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\\xff' in position 867: ordinal not in range(128)"
dDUMPER FAILED: 3473^error,data={msg="Error occurred in Python command: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\\xff' in position 867: ordinal not in range(128)"}
@Any ideas? Thanks.
Ron -
Got any non-ascii char in your code/data ?
I don't believe there are any odd characters. Don't even have any C strings. Now I am losing debug info exactly when I need it, very frustrating. I have a breakpoint in a function, I stop there, step a few times (Locals and Expressions is working correctly), then add another breakpoint, click continue, then it stops at the new breakpoint. When I start stepping, the Locals and Expressions window all goes gray and values are no longer updated. The values are also wrong when I hover over a variable.
With the L&E window closed, then values when I hover are grayed out and incorrect.
I have restarted Qt Creator, powered down & rebooted. Any ideas?
Ron -
What OS and Qt Creator versions are you running ?