Plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtMultimediaKit"
Hi there,
I'm trying to add a video to my qml app and I get this error everytime I try and run it in the qml viewer:
file:///F:/QtSDK/Minecraftapp/Minecraftapp.qml:2:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtMultimediaKit": Cannot load library F:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/msvc2005/imports/QtMultimediaKit/declarative_multimedia.dll: The specified module could not be found.
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1I don't know what is wrong, "F:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/msvc2005/imports/QtMultimediaKit/declarative_multimedia.dll" does exist and I have imported QtMultimediaKit 1.1. Any ideas?