Qt SDK 1.1 Beta - Qt 4.7.2 - Problem with SDKMaintenanceTool
After my problem with macdeployqt (see http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/4239/ ), I can see that there is also a problem with SDKMaintenanceTool. Every time I close it, I get a dialog box telling me that SDKMaintenanceTool quit unexpectedly.
Hmm... I am now wondering... By default the Qt SDK 1.1 Beta installer offered to install everything under my home directory which I didn't want, so I asked for it to be installed under /Developer. From there, because the ownership was still under my account (even though I did use sudo), I changed the ownership on the folder and its whole contents. Could that be the cause of my problems? Ok, I guess I am going to try to reinstall using the default settings offered by the installer even though I really don't like the idea of having to install the full Qt SDK under my home directory (the 2010.05 Qt SDK didn't do that!).