Qt on S40
[quote author="Mika Hanhijärvi" date="1299765470"]So most likely development, sales and support of Symbian will continue several years and at the same time MeeGos is still there too.[/quote]
In an "interview":http://conversations.nokia.com/2011/05/26/stephen-elop-in-china-time-for-a-challenger-mindset-video/ Stephen Elop said that Symbian will be supported “at least up to“ 2016.
[quote author="Jayakrishnan.M" date="1308664269"]Qt for S40 announced. So can we develop in c++ on S40 or will there only be a partial support using Qml only ? Will Qt mobility be supported ? May be it is too early to ask these. But anybody have more info ?[/quote]
Where and who announced it? Do you have a URL for this announce?
[quote author="Alexey Zimarev" date="1320604236"]
[quote author="Jayakrishnan.M" date="1308664269"]Qt for S40 announced. So can we develop in c++ on S40 or will there only be a partial support using Qml only ? Will Qt mobility be supported ? May be it is too early to ask these. But anybody have more info ?[/quote]Where and who announced it? Do you have a URL for this announce?
[/quote]Actually what Nokia announced was Qt for next billion. S40 was what came to my mind immediately. But may be not. The next billion thing, seems some thing else. So far we have only rumors, no concrete information regarding what next billion is.
Yes, I have seen this next billion and also some posts immediately interpreting this as Qt for S40. But this might be something else. For example the coming feature phone will have better computing power and some light version of Symbian will run on it. Portability is nice but I think developers who seriously consider to enter this market need to look at what Nokia made available now. Also HTML apps is a good option.
The Qt version 5.0 will not be supported on Symbian. Symbian will be stuck with Qt 4.8. This information comes from Qt developer days Munich. So next billion is unlikely to be based on Symbian. There are many rumors of a linux based ' next billion ' platform. May be it is based on Maemo. But that is my guess.
As I read here http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=79051
I could imagine not Series 40, taking where we started this topic, but either new line of Meego devices. It might be that N9 success has moved something in Nokia's mind. Also current four platforms is too much. WP7 plus Meego would be much better, also for developers. -
There are many sources saying that N9 is actually Maemo Harmattan rather than Meego. We can't know the truth. But since Intel and Nokia partnership is over, Meego is dead. There is a new Intel + Samsung partnership called Tizen which may be called a successor to Meego. It is likely that the Nokia
plan is Wp7 + Maemo + S40, which replaces the earlier Symbian /Maemo + S40 + S30 strategy or it could be just WP7 + Maemo. We can wait for more information from Nokia. -
Haha, makes sense :)
[quote author="Jayakrishnan.M" date="1320658785"]There are many sources saying that N9 is actually Maemo Harmattan rather than Meego.[/quote]
N9 is Maemo 6 is MeeGo Harmattan is MeeGo. MeeGo is just a set of specifications and APIs, which are implemented by MeeGo/Core and others, for example Maemo 6, which is then called MeeGo/Harmattan.
I too have read some rumors about meltemi, another project named after wind naming convention. But I doubt, how Nokia can predict or determine the number billion, even before the platform is released. There has to be something else. I think feature phones are losing market in India too, since Android phones can be bought at the same cost (Android 1.6 to 2.0). Meego was the only thing that was going to save Nokia! I thought.
I'am really surprised that Nokia have not yet announced any details regarding the ' Next Billion ' platform. The next billion remains a mystery. As a developer there are several questions coming to my mind. Will ' next billion ' replace S40 ? When will we see next billion based phones ? The future of J2me ? Nokia has solid information and roadmap regarding its WP plans. Either Nokia haven't taken a final decision yet on what should power next billion or is this something revolutionary ? Also I don't understand why the term next billion is used for this.
[quote author="john_god" date="1324894809"]bq. or is this something revolutionary ?
The only revolucionary thing that comes to my mind is Nokia fire Mr. Elop, switch back to Meego and launch a Meego tablet :)
That would no only be revoluvionary but handsome LOL
[/quote]You read the minds of billion people out there.
bq. In response to a question at the Dev Days welcome address, Nokia's Kenny Mathers said that the next billion platform was not S40.