AXIS camera SDK with QVariant problem : cannot access private member declared in class 'QVariant'
Hey, guys,
I am new here, I am playing with AXIS network camera using its SDK based on QT. I want to use its GetCurrentImage function to get the Image.
Below is the syntax of GetCurrentImage from AXIS SDK.
HRESULT GetCurrentImage(int theFormat, [C++]
VARIANT* theBuffer,
LONG* theBufferSize
Identifier specifiying the format of the image data. Values available are: 0 = JPEG, 1 = BMP (defined in the AMC_IMAGE_FORMAT enum in the type library).theBuffer
The buffer where the image data is returned.theBufferSize
Size of the image data buffer returned.It looks like assigning the “theBuffer” field passing by reference, like the format below:
var* var;getCurrentImage(var){ // object-> dynamicallcall(“getCurrentImage(var)”)
var = … // which can not be seen by us, because we are using dynamiccall to call the method in AXIS SDK
So I choose QVariant to do that
(1) In the .h file under public declaration,
QVariant* MediaBuffer;
long* MediaBufferSize;
@(2) in the .cpp file
I first tried
axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant*, long*)",0,MediaBuffer, MediaBufferSize);
@then I got the error report twice:
error: C2248: 'QVariant::QVariant' : cannot access private member declared in class 'QVariant'
e:\qt\4.8.5\src\corelib\kernel\qvariant.h:429: see declaration of 'QVariant::QVariant'
e:\qt\4.8.5\src\corelib\kernel\qvariant.h:93: see declaration of 'QVariant'
error: C2248: 'QVariant::QVariant' : cannot access private member declared in class 'QVariant'
e:\qt\4.8.5\src\corelib\kernel\qvariant.h:429: see declaration of 'QVariant::QVariant'
e:\qt\4.8.5\src\corelib\kernel\qvariant.h:93: see declaration of 'QVariant'in the second time, I tried
QList<QVariant> varList;
varList << 0 << MediaBuffer << MediaBufferSize; // error report place
axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant*, long*)",varList);
axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(QList<QVariant>)",varList); // the same error report--
@I got the same error report
Looking deeper at the qvariant.h,
In line 429 it is
// force compile error, prevent QVariant(bool) to be called
inline QVariant(void *) { Q_ASSERT(false); } // line 429
@in line 93
it is
class Q_CORE_EXPORT QVariant
@which I do not list all stuff here.
It seems the problem of the usage of QVariant up to now, but I do not know how to fix it.
Could you guys give me some suggestions?
My environment is
Qt 4.8.5
Qtcreator 3.1.0
Win 8
AXIS Media Control API 6.30Many thanks,
szysagittarius -
Yes, there is QAxWidget in my code and it is inherited from QObject and QAxBase
[quote author="hskoglund" date="1399662517"]Hi, just a guess but your class that does the dynamicCalls, does it inherit from QObject?
[/quote] -
No, that doesnot work, my friend. Because the mediaBuffer field can only be assigned through passing by reference when dynamiccall the outside function getCurrentImage, and pass the pointer of the MediaBuffer into the method in this case
I am just suspecting whether it has something wrong with the usage of QVariant in QList, but I've already checked that it is not the initialization problem
[quote author="hskoglund" date="1399669334"]Ok, just looked closer at your source, QVariant* is not kosher: i.e. try change
QVariant* MediaBuffer;
long* MediaBufferSize;
QVariant MediaBuffer;
long* MediaBufferSize;
[/quote] -
I just filed my code and share it on github in the link below the getCurrentImage function can not work properly, other functions works fine.
you can play with this code after installing the AXIS Media Control sdk, which only need few second to install them
below is the address of AXIS Media Control sdk,
the function document is under the doc in the installing directory (..\AXIS Media Control SDK\doc)
If you have any suggestion after playing with this code, we can discuss here
[quote author="hskoglund" date="1399677556"]Aha, I thought of the compilation error, but if you need to pass by reference, try:
QVariant& MediaBuffer;
long* MediaBufferSize;
(note: for the compiler to be happy you need to assign something to the reference QVariant as well).[/quote] -
I want to update my knowledge of dynamicCall function
I use Qt getDocument function to get the AXIS document from AXIS COM component, which describes the exact way how to call every function of AXIS media control using Qt, and it says it did should use dynamicCall to assgin MediaBuffer and MediabufferSize these two local variables.
void GetCurrentImage (int theFormat, QVariant& theBuffer, int& theBufferSize) [slot]
get the current image
Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QVariant&, int&)), object, SLOT(GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant&, int&)));Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant&, int&)", params);
@So the code can be written like this
QVariant MediaBuffer;
long MediaBufferSize;
QList<QVariant> varList;
varList << 0 << MediaBuffer << MediaBufferSize;axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant&, long&)",varList);
this can solve the problem of error report"can not access to the private member in class QVariant", because QVariant can not accpet address type.However, even I follow what the document says on how to use dynamicCall to call this GetCurrentImage function, it will still report Bad parameter count or Exception thrown by server, and can not have these two local variables assigned.
example 1:
if I use@
axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant&, int&)",0,MediaBuffer,MediaBufferSize);
@it will report
/QAxBase: Error calling IDispatch member GetCurrentImage: Bad parameter count
@example 2
if I use
QList<QVariant> varList;
varList << 0 << MediaBuffer << MediaBufferSize;
axWidget->dynamicCall("GetCurrentImage(int, QVariant&, long&)",varList);
@it will report
IDispatch member GetCurrentImage: Exception thrown by server
Code : 16389
Source :
Help :
Connect to the exception(int,QString,QString,QString) signal to catch this exception
It seems that the second example's error report cover the first one, since these two local variables still not get assigned yet, my guess is the parameter type still mismatched.What do you think of this bizarre outcome, my friend :)
I updated my problem code and uploaded it on github, if you have interest, you can play with it. Regards
[quote author="hskoglund" date="1399677556"]Aha, I thought of the compilation error, but if you need to pass by reference, try:
QVariant& MediaBuffer;
long* MediaBufferSize;
(note: for the compiler to be happy you need to assign something to the reference QVariant as well).[/quote] -
@szysagittarius Did you have solved this problem? I have the same problem using Qt to open axis camera