FreeType police on arm
I'm working on an arm platform with library Qt 4.6.3.
The final custumer request that the usage of Arial font.My problem is : I can't generate or use arial font of any type.
If I compile my Qt library with ttf support (-qt-freetype option or -system-freetype) the software crash as soon as I try to load/use ttf font.
If I compile my Qt library with no ttf support, the software don't crash, but of course I could not load my font.
I also try to compile the makeqpf tool (there is few documentation about this tool by the way), I could only compile it for arm platform (perhaps it's normal) but I only be able to generate qpf2 file with huge font (size 100 px or more!). If I try to generate normal font, say a size of 20, the makeqpf software never end and nothing is generated.
Note 1 : I found these closed bug:
Note 2 : I use the
My question is : what should I do to use the Arial font?
-> Generate qpf2 on another platform and use it on arm?
-> Generate the old fashion qpf (not qpf2) file?
-> Is there any patch for the freetype usage? -
have you already tried using the method suggested by "吴琼": ?
I.e using "-fn somefont.ttf" in the application's command line parameters ?
Uhm! So it must be something else, maybe something related to font management like "this": ?
The bug description says "QLineEdit dies in its constructor" but the cause is an alignment error in the Harfbuzz library that happens with specific fonts.
In the related comments look at what Oleksandr Tymoshenko says "here":
It looks like the you can fix it "this way": or else you can try switching to Qt 4.7.2 where they says the bug is fixed.