[Solved] Statically link Qt + Phonon
If I rember correctly it's not supported Phonon and webkit. Anyway, it's not difficult to deploy the app with the needed lib's in the local path! Don't forget the plugins, if needed. "Deploying an Application on Windows":http://doc.trolltech.com/4.7-snapshot/deployment-windows.html
Thank you, I was already there :)I'm trying to compile static libs (the most) on mac... I found the doc on QtCentre, but I always have an error.
Do you know the complete, simpliest way (or command line) to include the most libs, to compile Qt in static mode please :) ?
When I use this, I have a crash :/
I don't know what it is, but if you don't mind, please check and maybe you will know ^^http://project.rihan.fr/C++/MangaMania/bin/mac32/
Thank you for your help.
Using the beta SDK (so 4.7.2, classic).Now you mention it, I have this issue since the 4.7.2 =/
I've posted on a french forum, this is what I get now:
@cd /Users/max13/Developpement/MangaMania-build-desktop
macdeployqt MangaMania.app
ERROR: file copy failed from "/Users/max13/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/472/gcc/lib/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/classes.nib"
ERROR: to "MangaMania.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/classes.nib"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/Users/max13/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/472/gcc/lib/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/info.nib"
ERROR: to "MangaMania.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/info.nib"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/Users/max13/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/472/gcc/lib/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/keyedobjects.nib"
ERROR: to "MangaMania.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib/keyedobjects.nib"@I checked, the files exist... :(
BTW, did you check the dmg? If yes, do you know what it means ?
Yes, your dmg crashes here also. But a short test with a test app here, works very well, out of the box. "Here":http://www.file-upload.net/view-3300352/TestLogger.dmg.html my test app.
[quote author="Scylla" date="1300631306"]Yes, your dmg crashes here also. But a short test with a test app here, works very well, out of the box. "Here":http://www.file-upload.net/view-3300352/TestLogger.dmg.html my test app.[/quote]
The website is looping... Nothing appears ^^
You can send it by mail if you want please: axel50397 AT hotmail DOT com[quote author="Scylla" date="1300631425"]I'm not using the SDK I'm using the libs and QtCreator seperate. Maybe there is somthing wrong with the package?!?![/quote]
Maybe. I'll check this. BTW, at the same time, a french answered me the same: Uninstall, verify if you didn't let anything, reinstall.
Thank you, i'll tell here :)