[SOLVED]How Can i copy my Lib in different folder?
I know it´s a simple question, but my aplications are a little Big now and i start broke it in some smaller static libs just for convenience, and i setup a specific forder to mantain the lib and include files to be linked with the main project.
But now , everytime i need recompile a lib, i must copy the compiled lib to the correct folder....
There is a way to when i compila a lib , i transfer a copy of the compiled file lib file to another folder(Like a Libs Folders?)
In this way i can open Both projects and compile them withou worry about everytime i change the Lib i Must copi it to the correct Folder....
Any Sugestion?
Kind Regards.
You can use
@DESTDIR = ../path@
take a look to "DESTDIR":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html#destdir and "qmake manual":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qmake-manual.html .