Unable to install QT on windows 7
I have downloaded "Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, 518 MB) (Info)" from the following link
When i tried to install the package it is throwing some errors. Most of them are related to the following packagesqt.521.win32_msvc2010.essentials/5.2.1.msvc2010_essentials.7z
3.0.0qt-creator-opensource-vs2010-32.7zSaying the file "3.0.0qt-creator-opensource-vs2010-32.7z" not found unable to open the file...
Can somebody help me with this.
I am a newbie, this is the first time i am installing QT.my machine config is:
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise
System type: 64-bit OS -
Yes it is giving to ignore. But too many errors, too many files missing .. like more than 100. Most of them are from the package "qt.521.win32_msvc2010.essentials/5.2.1.msvc2010_essentials.7z "