Accessing widgets in a QTabWidget
Hey there,
I have a class called mainView and two other classes called browseTab and appTab respectively. mainView contains a QTabWidget that holds an instance of either browseTab or appTab. Both browseTab and appTab contain a QWebView that I need to access. I need to be able to determine which widget (browseTab or appTab) is in the currently active tab, then I need to access the QWebView.
I have tried something like this to no avail:
if(this->tabWidget->currentWidget() = browseTab)
QString url = "";
@It won't let me do this because browseTab does not refer to a value.
Any ideas on how I can access these classes inside the QTabWidget?
Thanks! -
There should be two '=' signs in the if() of line 1 or you have an attempt at assignment that will fail.
The attempt to access the webView member of the browseTab object will only succeed if it is a public member variable (which would not normally be the case).
What is the type of "browseTab"? Is it a widget, or a widget pointer?
That means you are trying to compare a value of widget type to a value of widget pointer type:
@if(this->tabWidget->currentWidget() = browseTab)@
[/quote]Basic rules of C++ comparisons:- Comparison is done using "==".
- The values on the left and the right must be the same type.
[quote author="nicky j" date="1396838942"]So currentWidget() is a widget pointer?[/quote]This should answer your question:
[quote]How do I get the widget type inside the tabWidget?[/quote]I would do it the other way round -- get a pointer to your browseTab object, and use that in the comparison. Pointer values are integers after all, and it's straightforward to compare integers.Do you know how to use the ampersand (&) operator in C++?
In few of my implementations I have a similar problem, I know what my tabs are include and just do a dynamic_cast for checking the widget type, e.g.
TcHmiFileTabWidget *TcHmiEditorView::fileTabWidget(int index)
QTabWidget *p = ui->tabFiles;if(index < 0 || index > p->count()) { return NULL; } QWidget *w = p->widget(index); if(w == NULL) { return NULL; } __TcHmiFileTabWidgetDummy *pdummy = dynamic_cast<__TcHmiFileTabWidgetDummy*>(w); if(pdummy == NULL) { return NULL; } return pdummy->pFileTabWidget;
@ -
[quote author="cbries" date="1396854817"]In few of my implementations I have a similar problem, I know what my tabs are include and just do a dynamic_cast for checking the widget type[/quote]For QObjects (including QWidgets), I recommend qobject_cast over dynamic_cast. There are cases where dynamic_cast might fail but qobject_cast works. See
[quote author="nicky j" date="1397690719"]No I don't really know how to use the ampersand[/quote]It is a core part of C++. Qt makes extensive use of pointers and their related operators (including the '&' operator). Please take time to learn them: -- it will make your life much easier.