UnsupportedContent signal is emitted in qt webview
Hi, i have tried to download with qt webview and there was emitted a signal unsupportedContent(QNetworkReply) and after the QWebview's loadFinished(bool) signal is emitted with false value. The code looks like so
QNetworkRequest request(QUrl::fromUserInput(url));
myWebView->load(request, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, data);
@I used Qt 5.2 and my os is mac 10.8.
[edit: Added @ coding tags SGaist]
This isn't really a problem per se, so what would your question be ?
AFAIK you can't but you can handle the case yourself, it's explained "here":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qwebpage.html#unsupportedContent
If you only want to download something without even showing it, why not use QNetworkAccessManager directly ?