Qt Libraries: why is something so simple made so complicated?
I am new to Qt so please forgive me if I really am missing something. But I have read lots of posts on this problem so I am not the only one who is missing something if I am.
I really love Qt so far. The tools and everything are amazing and robust. Except for one thing.
Since we specify the components needed by an application as part of the setup for the project, why can't the developers make adding the relevant dlls (for windows builds) to the final bin folder automated? Or why doesn't the Qt installer add the dll's to the windows system folder(s) so that windows already has a copy of the file where it needs them? Another solution would be to create a folder that is added to the dll path (like the .NET libraries).
This requirement of having to install a program of determining which dlls are needed or having to play a guessing game/go through each error one by one is so unprofessional it is... well astounding. After everything else is so wonderfully sophisticated they couldn't add this simple thing to all the other far out features?
Am I missing something?
I have not used the commercial version yet. I will eventually need to since I plan on putting my project on the market. Since this is a huge project though, it will not be for a while. If anyone using the commercial version has an answer...it would be much appreciated.
First of all no installer should ever copy anything into the Windows system directory. Ever.
Any installer should put anything in PATH only if it is a program meant for often command line execution and user specifically asked for it and never by default. Ever.On Windows the only "good" distribution model is either via static linking or by deploying required dlls in the app directory. Anything else is polluting and misbehaving. Don't ever do that.
Having that said it's hard to make an automated deployment tool (for Windows) just because there are so many possible configurations and dependencies on that system: OpenGL, ANGLE, ICU, Intel, MSVC, MinGW sehs/dwarf/posix/win32 and buncha others, not even starting with all posiible plugins, all of which requires different set of libraries.
For some stuff it's hard to do it automatically because how is such tool suppose to know which image formats are you gonna use at runtime or if you plan to use ssl connection etc.? It can't.Now, I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have something to automate that but it's just not that easy and nobody found time to get around to it.
Besides, I think you're exaggerating a little.
You need:- Qt dlls - you need dlls for modules you use. As a programmer you should know which modules you use, right?
- Qt suporting dlls - ICU, ANGLE etc. - You chose your Qt distro so you should know what it is
- plugins dlls - you design your app so you know which plugins you use
- compiler runtime dlls - you develop your app so you should know what compiler you're using, right?
That's basically it. I know it can be a little hard for newcomers but at some point you should know these things as a programmer anyway.
Maybe a little tip if you have "no idea" what libraries you really need to deploy with your app (or the app crashes and you might have missed a plugin or something) try this:
build the application in release mode (or debug mode but then you will see the debug libs of course)
run the app from Qt Creator in debug mode
in the debug view enable the Modules view
you should see a list of all loaded libs there, you can sort them by directory so you can omit the ones loaded from the operating system. So at least you should see what libs you app is actually using, if you have plugin they might be loaded dynamically at run time so you might have to "play around" with you app so ever plugin is loaded.
I think that should get you started, because not all dependencies are so clearly visible sometimes. :) -
You might find this walkthrough helpful to get you up and running quickly: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Deploy_an_Application_on_Windows
!http://i.imgur.com/S582DlV.png(DLL locations)!
[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396804552"]
Besides, I think you're exaggerating a little.
You need:- Qt dlls - you need dlls for modules you use. As a programmer you should know which modules you use, right?
- Qt suporting dlls - ICU, ANGLE etc. - You chose your Qt distro so you should know what it is
- plugins dlls - you design your app so you know which plugins you use
- compiler runtime dlls - you develop your app so you should know what compiler you're using, right?
That's basically it. I know it can be a little hard for newcomers but at some point you should know these things as a programmer anyway.[/quote]
No, I don't believe that I am at all. And I also think you chose to focus on the fringe rather than the core of the issue. It is true that I am not familiar with Qt but I have been non-professionally programming with windows for a long time using SDK's and redistributables and I have never been given a reason to believe that a person should always know which dlls within a re-distribution package are needed for what header file/build.
The only files that apply to my post are qt redistribution files. Plugins etc... are irrelevant because they are all separate cases that I never meant to be included as part of this topic. You may not like one approach or another but regardless, there are people who are fine with the way that .NET or DirectX works for example .
In any good windows installer, one of two options occurs:
- The individual files needed for the program are put into the program folder automatically.
- If the build requires specific libraries, the installer installs a redistributable package a) itself, b) optionally runs an installer for those libraries (or a third option is to take the user to the download page).
As far as putting the runtime re-distribution in the end-users hands:
- Qt is a runtime library as well as an SDK. I have not found separate installers for each. Yet the redistibutable packages that I have been able to find do not install themselves as a runtime library but as an SDK only. The operating system is not made aware of its location for runtime use.
- If the end-user only wants things installed with the application itself, then it should also be fairly easy to automate the process. See below.
Regarding SDK's (such as Qt)
My experience with SDK's is that
the needed files are NOT always obvious to the programmer. The VC++ runtimes themselves are a good example as they incorporate a myriad of developer specific shorthand into their names.
they can be programmed to be self-maintaining in terms of redistribution. Most of the ones that I have worked with do not require the programmer to do any kind of dll upkeep when it comes to copying the right dlls to the build folder.
Automation of processing dlls to re-distribute for the qt part of the program is not that complicated.
The package installed by the end-user does not matter since it is the build that requires specific dlls.
The package installed by the programmer does not matter either since they can only use what is available to them by the SDK they install. In cases where multiple versions have been installed, the version being used is always part of the project settings. This is true for Qt as well.
Any good SDK knows what library files are associated with which headers depending on the build type. It isn't hard to write a parser that checks program settings and parses code files for header files to know what libraries to include. This is especially true nowadays since associations can be written in XML (and loaded by the partser). The files that need to be copied would depend on the included headers. Which version to use would simply be a series of if then statements entirely dependent on target platform for the build.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]
In any good windows installer, one of two options occurs:- The individual files needed for the program are put into the program folder automatically.[/quote]
I'll repeat myself. How is auch automat suppose to know if you're gonna use eg. jpeg files at runtime to include that dll for you?
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"] - If the build requires specific libraries, the installer installs a redistributable package a) itself, b) optionally runs an installer for those libraries (or a third option is to take the user to the download page).[/quote]
What stops you from distributing MSVC runtime re-dist installer with your app? Oh, btw. MinGW doesn't have one.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]
As far as putting the runtime re-distribution in the end-users hands: - Qt is a runtime library as well as an SDK. I have not found separate installers for each. Yet the redistibutable packages that I have been able to find do not install themselves as a runtime library but as an SDK only. The operating system is not made aware of its location for runtime use.
- If the end-user only wants things installed with the application itself, then it should also be fairly easy to automate the process. See below.[/quote]
I never said user should take care of additional re-dist themselves. You can (and should) include them in your installer.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]
the needed files are NOT always obvious to the programmer. The VC++ runtimes themselves are a good example as they incorporate a myriad of developer specific shorthand into their names.
they can be programmed to be self-maintaining in terms of redistribution. Most of the ones that I have worked with do not require the programmer to do any kind of dll upkeep when it comes to copying the right dlls to the build folder.[/quote]
Well then you've been mighty lucky because it's not the case with windows compiler runtime re-dists. They do not maintain themselves. MS doesn't do that for you either in VS. Looking in the installed programs list there's like 30 of them on my machine right now and all of them were installed by (probably hand made) programs installers.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]The package installed by the end-user does not matter since it is the build that requires specific dlls. [/quote]
What are you talking about? Build knows nothing about dlls. The're required at runtime on users machine.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]The package installed by the programmer does not matter either since they can only use what is available to them by the SDK they install. In cases where multiple versions have been installed, the version being used is always part of the project settings. This is true for Qt as well.[/quote]
Again - what are you talking about? If you have several versions of same lib in the PATH or in the windows dir your app will pick the first on the list, not the "appropriate" one that it was compiled or installed with. It's not .Net. It doesn't work like that. That's why you should distribute dlls in the app directory, so it will pick those and not any of 20 others that someone might polluted system with.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396852150"]Any good SDK knows what library files are associated with which headers depending on the build type. It isn't hard to write a parser that checks program settings and parses code files for header files to know what libraries to include. This is especially true nowadays since associations can be written in XML (and loaded by the partser). The files that need to be copied would depend on the included headers. Which version to use would simply be a series of if then statements entirely dependent on target platform for the build. [/quote]
I don't think you know how it works (at least in native windows apps). Compiled app knows nothing about a library file except its name. It's a system responsibility to locate that lib for the app in one of constant locations. The system knows nothing of which version of dll your app requires. You can compile your app with Qt 4.8 and it will happily link at runtime to Qt 4.1 library it found in the PATH and crash somewhere after that.
- The individual files needed for the program are put into the program folder automatically.[/quote]
Maybe I should have started this post by stating the basic problem that started this rant in the first place. I cannot start my own built qt programs on my own machine without using the debugger. This is because even though I have installed two versions of the qt runtime/sdk on my machine, apparently the qt application doesn't know where the runtime files are.
Perhaps this is because I have two versions instead of one. But if that is the case, why doesn't it run and crash? (assuming it loaded the wrong library?) Instead, it complains that it can't find qtcore5.dll. If my two versions is not the reason, then qt has not installed itself as a runtime library. Only as an SDK.
[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
I'll repeat myself. How is auch automat suppose to know if you're gonna use eg. jpeg files at runtime to include that dll for you?[/quote]If you don't know what format your user will use at runtime then you should include ALL libraries with your distribution for the formats your program allows them to use.
jpeg is not a qt issue so it doesn't belong in this conversation. To be more specific; I believe the programmer SHOULD manually include libraries like this that aren't specifically part of an SDK. Only qt includes are relevant to this conversation.
[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
What stops you from distributing MSVC runtime re-dist installer with your app? Oh, btw. MinGW doesn't have one.[/quote]
Nothing. Except that the installer doesn't make itself a run-time library that the OS can locate. Otherwise I would be able to start my own program I am writing on my own machine without hand copying all the dlls to my application folder or manually adding the location of the re-dist to the path manually. (Which I CAN'T... that is why I started this thread in the first place).[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
Well then you've been mighty lucky because it's not the case with windows compiler runtime re-dists. They do not maintain themselves. MS doesn't do that for you either in VS. Looking in the installed programs list there's like 30 of them on my machine right now and all of them were installed by (probably hand made) programs installers.[/quote]
I haven't really been lucky. These libraries are redistributed as a run-time library that are made available to the OS (the OS can locate them). If you notice you do not have to add these libraries to your apps directory. Which is why I can start a VC++ runtime without copying the files to the app directory. This is not the same as Qt. With Qt I do.[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
What are you talking about? Build knows nothing about dlls. The're required at runtime on users machine.[/quote]
I think you misunderstood my statement. What I mean is that what re-dist (of Qt) is installed by the end user doesn't matter since it is your build that matters when it comes to which dlls are needed. It is just as likely the end user won't have ANY Qt installation on their machine. At install time, if the user doesn't have the required build installed on their machine then the required build should be part of the install process.[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
Again - what are you talking about? If you have several versions of same lib in the PATH or in the windows dir your app will pick the first on the list, not the "appropriate" one that it was compiled or installed with. It's not .Net. It doesn't work like that. That's why you should distribute dlls in the app directory, so it will pick those and not any of 20 others that someone might polluted system with.[/quote]
This would be true in the case of qt because the dlls of the base version have the same name. (This is one reason why MS redist's have a naming convention for their redistrib dlls). Another reason this is true for qt is because the build mechanism doesn't bother worry about copying dlls for qt. However, if the correct libraries are copied to the app directory at compile time then this doesn't become a problem.[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1396866618"]
I don't think you know how it works (at least in native windows apps). Compiled app knows nothing about a library file except its name. It's a system responsibility to locate that lib for the app in one of constant locations. The system knows nothing of which version of dll your app requires. You can compile your app with Qt 4.8 and it will happily link at runtime to Qt 4.1 library it found in the PATH and crash somewhere after that.
It seems I know more than you think. It is true that compiled apps know nothing about a library file except the file name. Which is why this needs to be taken care of at BUILD time. The qt project settings specify which version of qt is being used. The project settings also know what specific build is being made. They have to know these things so they know which instruction set to build into the final executable files. So parse the file headers AT BUILD TIME and copy the proper dlls to the build app folder. This is how the DirectX SDK works. Any files that are needed from the SDK are copied to the app folder at build time. (This is necessary for DirectX because the DirectX runtime files do not include .NET versions. The DirectX programming I have done has always been with .NET). -
I think you are confusing Qt with VC++ Redist or something.
AFAIK Qt has no redistributeable runtime installation or anything, you only get the SDK for developers and nothing for the end user, that is the task of the developer I think.No offense but I think you have not much experience with how Qt works, what Chris Kawa said with the JPEg plugins etc are part of the Qt plugin system, which the build system doesn't know about. You never include anything for plugins, that is why Qt plugins are dynamically loaded when you use a jpeg image in you app the jpeg plugin gets loaded, if you use PNG images then not (for example), so there is no way an automated deployment can see what plugins are needed or not, all it can see it the default Qt module DLL's (QtCore, QtGUI etc).
Qt libs are usually bundled with the app or statically linked if you have a licence for that. I have never seen any Qt app where the library files are system wide installed (at least not on windows, maybe on unix systems).
If you compare Qt with VC++ redist packages, Qt has a lot of modules and usually you don't want to redistribute all Qt modules, but only the ones you needed. If you just copy everything in you app folder it should also work, but who want so many unnecessary files if they are never used?
Anyway what might help you with this problem is the qt.conf file you can put next to your binary and the config file contains paths where to find the Qt libs, so they don't have to be in the same folder as the app and you could do a system wide lookup if you wanted (I guess).
Check out the official documentation here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qt-conf.html -
Yeah, I have to agree with Xander84. You're confusing many things with each other and bringing .Net examples into it only makes things less clear.
Qt doesn't install (nor has) any runtime package. All it does when you install SDK is place a buncha libs, dlls and headers in a folder. It doesn't make system "magically" know about these dlls.
The reason your program finds them when you run it from IDE (Qt Creator or other) is because that IDE runs your program in specifically crafted environment where it injects Qt locations into environment variables visible to your app. It's equivalent of adding Qt to PATH and creating QTDIR variable, except it's done per process, not system wide, which is a good thing because this way several Qt versions can live side by side and IDE injects them based on your Kit configuration. This info is not embedded in any way in the app .exe so when you ship it there is no way to tell which Qt dll it requires.MSVC compiler runtime is different in a sense, because MS chose different distribution policy for it. They provide runtime installers that adds their dlls to system wide locations. It's their product so they're allowed to do that. Others should not (and often don't) do that. You can either use their runtime installer(bundled with your app installer) or distribute single dlls within your app directory just as you would with Qt. For MinGW there's only second option as it doesn't provide runtime installer (as it's not MS product).
Qt is in a large part source compatible across versions (at least within a major version) and only partially binary compatible (across minor versions).
An app using function x() from lobrary y.dll only has symbols "x" and "y" embedded in it. System can hand it any library named "y" it finds. If function "x" is not in it or it is not binary compatible the app will crash at runtime and it has absolutely nothing to do with build process. It is totally different than what .Net does so any comparison here is not valid.As Xander84 said jpeg lib (also gifs, platform lib, databases and buncha other stuff) ARE part of the Qt SDK and have their own dlls in the plugins and platforms directory. They should also be distributed in your app, but there is no automatic way to figure out which will be used at runtime. An app will start and run but it will miss some functionality (like not displaying pictures).
There would be very little gain in automatically distributing everything. Most Qt based programs use only a handful of core modules and very little plugins (my apps usually take 4-6 dlls from among about 30 Qt provides). we don't want "hello world" program to be shipped with 50MB of dlls do we?
One more thing when comparing to what .Net does is that .Net runtime is a closed source package. When MS ships .Net 4.5.1 it is the same package everywhere.
When Qt ships version 5.2.1 it ships at least 5 or more of different builds of it (for different compilers and OpenGL build settings) and also a source, so there are countles different builds of the same version 5.2.1 that are incompatible between each other. There's no way to make a "universal" Qt runtime, unless you want it to be about 2GB in size and contain some of the more popular configurations(certainly not even close to all). But who would test and maintain (and use!) that? -
Small addition to the Qt plugin system: I noticed if you "forget" to distribute some plugins the app might silently exit (not crash). This happens at least with QML plugins but there are some special things because they are needed to render the window, so the app won't be able to display anything and just exists I guess. The important part here is that you won't get any error or crash, it looks like the app is just not starting at all which can be frustrating if you don't know why :)
No. I am not offended by your statements that I am not qt experienced. It is the truth. I stated that at the beginning of my original post. I appreciate your trying to help me understand a bit more about that. Your last two posts were helpful but I still don't follow why this cannot be done.
For one thing, the posts I have read say that this only happens on windows and linux. Apple products apparently have no problem picking out the right dynamic libraries to install (from what I have read).
The second thing is... so what you are saying is that there is no way for a class to be associated with a specific dll inside a specific sdk (and version) being used to provides the class as long as one knows the target platform? You are right. I don't get that at all. The linker knows which dll is necessary because it incorporates the filename, ordinals, etc. into the executable. So why can't the sdk figure it out? Especially because the developer of the SDK should know where the classes are located which is more than I can say for the linker... and the even the developer. How is a third party developer supposed to know which dll includes which class without doing an in-depth breakdown of the set of libraries? (I am NOT saying a developer shouldn't take the time to figure it out...only that IMO he shouldn't be required to.).
(Please keep dynamically linked plugins out of this discussion. Only basic core files such as qt5core.dll are applicable. I understand why this does not apply to plugins and so I am not addressing them.)
Well for the Qt module libs like Qt5Core etc it should be very easy for the developer to know what files need to be distributed, because you have to specify the used modules in the project file (.pro) to use with qmake!?
QT = core gui network
so you are gonna need the QtCore, QtGui and QtNetwork libs, you just need to know that "core and gui is set by default. If you only use "QT += xml" for example the "QtCore and QtGUI libs are needed by default, that is all you need to know I think!?Of course the deployment of those files may be automated, but its not like this is much work for the developer to copy the base module libs himself, is it? :)
There might be reasons not to deploy all files automatically, also for mobile targets (Andorid, iOS etc) all libs are deployed by Qt Creator automatically.. and it takes forever to deploy that (like 1 minute for android), maybe that is one reason not to automate it haha, I don't know. -
Arguably it may not be a lot of work. But that depends on how compartmentalized the qt components/classes are. For example, math classes (assuming such classes exist) considered to be part of the "core" could be separated into a separate Qtmath.dll. Also, if it is a huge project with a myriad of other things to worry about (which the project for which I am using Qt will be), finding out that I have another on my plate is annoying.
I really don't know how Qt is structured and if it IS compartmentalized, it should be automated. (that is my main point... without an in depth look at the layout of the classes, there is no way for someone to know which dlls to include.) And as such, with all the other bells and whistles that come with this sdk I am really surprised that it doesn't include such a simple task.
NOTE: I use the Qt plugin for VS because I really don't like the Qt Creator layout for an IDE. (Although it is a perfect model for the kind of application I am trying to develop. The creator application GUI is one of the major things that sold me on using it for my project).
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396895243"]
The second thing is... so what you are saying is that there is no way for a class to be associated with a specific dll inside a specific sdk (and version) being used to provides the class as long as one knows the target platform? You are right. I don't get that at all. The linker knows which dll is necessary because it incorporates the filename, ordinals, etc. into the executable. So why can't the sdk figure it out? [/quote]See, you're confusing things again. Linker has nothing to do with dlls(unless you're making a dll of course). Building has nothing to do with dlls. You can delete all Qt dlls from the system and your app will still compile and link just fine.
Linker deals with .lib files that contain a lot of info about where what is. When using MSVC .pdb files are also created (there's probably some counterpart for MinGW too) which also contain buncha paths and debugging info like function offsets, structures and classes layout etc.
I don't want to get too deep into that, but when a lib is linked an exe contains a name of the library and something called IAT (import address table) which is basically a list of offsets to functions in external library(dll). The dll itself is not needed for that because all necessary info is inside the .lib file. There's a .lib file for every .dll file.Dlls are linked at runtime (I'm not talking about dynamic LoadLibrary like plugins use). A starting app reports to system that it will use IATs for a library "X" and the system takes care of finding "X" and loading it. If it finds the wrong one then the offsets won't match and you have a crash.
So to summarize - app uses .lib files at link-time and .dlls at run-time.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396895243"]
I really don’t know how Qt is structured and if it IS compartmentalized, it should be automated. (that is my main point… without an in depth look at the layout of the classes, there is no way for someone to know which dlls to include.) And as such, with all the other bells and whistles that come with this sdk I am really surprised that it doesn’t include such a simple task.[/quote]
Qt is "very modularized":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtmodules.html. If you're gonna use it it's a good idea to get to know where what is.I'll repeat myself - it's not that hard for a human but a hard task for automat. Core Qt modules(dlls) are just a part of what you need to deploy. there are lot of other dependencies that are not as easy to track as Qt core stuff: compiler runtime, plugins(some, like the platform plugin, are required to even start the app!!!), 3rd party libs like ICU, ANGLE, SSL.
Your app won't run correctly if you missed any of those so what is the point of making a tool that will automatically copy like 30% of what's needed?Anyway once you know what is where a correct deployment is a matter of 2-3 lines of "robocopy":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robocopy batch file in post-build event. I'm using this with VS all the time and it's a non-issue.
Chris... I am NOT confusing things. You keep talking down to me about things I am already aware of. Whether dlls are used or libs depend on if the dlls have a manifest of their functions built in. I realize that in standard C++ this does not apply so the lib files are the only ones that are necessary. However, this does NOT mean that dlls have nothing to do with it. The name of the dll and ordinal from the table within the lib is STILL written into the executable. I mentioned both of these in my last post. In response You said that there is a lib file for every dll. Libs don't ALWAYS have the same name as the dll. Yet if the dll is missing, the executable will trigger a missing dialog containing the right name for the dll. I will say again: If the linker can identify the dll name then the SDK can certainly identify which DLLS are necessary. The process doesn't really matter. The concept is still the same.
Furthermore, I am not going to keep entertaining your continuing to ignore the focus of this thread. I am already hand copying the dlls from OTHER libraries that I MYSELF have incorporated into the project. I have mentioned several times that they are not the focus of this thread. I have no problem with that because they are not part of a professional sdk, I know which dlls to use and I am personally and purposefully including them. That is my decision and my part of the workload.
In the case of Qt and every other large SDK however, the exact distribution and location of the classes within the SDK is not necessarily known and not necessarily easy to determine by the programmer without spending a good deal of overhead time. Does documentation even exist on these locations? I have not seen any! (And yes... I am already aware of the class documentation. But as far as I have read, this documentation does not report which dll it belongs too.)
I will restate and maintain my original objection:
It is unprofessional that the only way to learn which dlls I need to hand copy into the executable directory is for me to run the executable and one by one learn the names of the dlls I need to copy. (Or to download a separate utility to analyze the executable and list the dlls it needs). Solving this issue would NOT be a difficult task.
[quote author="primem0ver" date="1396902552"]I will say again: If the linker can identify the dll name then the SDK can certainly identify which DLLS are necessary. The process doesn't really matter. The concept is still the same.[/quote]
No, it can't. That's the point ;) But ok, I'm sorry. I will not comment further on the dll mechanism since that is not the topic of this thread, although you did confuse stuff and twist my words again ;)There is official guide on how to deploy your app to specific platform "here":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment.html. For Windows it's "here":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/windows-deployment.html
There are also a couple of user wikis on this site about specific platforms and issues.
As for automated tools there is only one for Mac that I know of, but judging from the amount of topics about it on these forums it's more trouble than gain (I don't own a Mac so I'm just speculating).Running your app and adding dll one by one is not the only way(and certainly not easiest or most reliable). The easiest that I myself have tried are those:
Running the app in the IDE and inspecting modules window in your IDE (both Qt Creator and Visual Studio have one).
Running an external tool like "Dependency Walker":http://www.dependencywalker.com/ in profile mode and inspecting its output.
You can also refer to the links Xander84, JKSH and I gave you.I hope this helps.
If you need any more specific functionalities feel free to let us know and maybe someone on this forum will be able to help you. -
Oh, and you mentioned there is no way to tell which class is in which module. It's actually documented. For example list of "GUI C++ module classes":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtgui-module.html