Testflight and Qt apps
Dear all,
the question can be not really related to the Qt ... but what I'm experiencing happening only with Qt projects, so after searching on internet, I'm hope to get a solution here.After generating the Xcode project from .pro, does not matter which provisioning profile I'll use the testflight system always give me this error:
@Invalid Profile: developer build entitlements must have get-task-allow set to true@
So, looking on internet, I found that it's a problem about the Entitlements inserted into the app ... but this apply only for Xcode 4 and before. From Xcode 5 the Entitlements has been eliminated and managed automatically by Xcode.
So, me suspect is that qmake generates some errors into the Xcode projects that give me this problem with testflight.Someone else experienced the same problems ??
Or there is someone that know how to fix the get-task-allow settings in Xcode 5 ??Thanks,