Signal/Slot connection problem [signal from one class to other class]
I am having problem in executing my signal/slot connection for the following scenario:
class NetworkClient : public QObject
int forwardResponse();signals:
void sigClientResponse();
}int NetworkClient::forwardNetworkResponse()
emit sigClientResponse();
class MyGUI : public QMainWindow
NetworkClient* myClient;private slots:
void slotClientResponse();
MyGUI::MyGUI(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MyGUI)
ui->setupUi(this);connect(myClient,SIGNAL(sigClientResponse()), this, SLOT(slotClientResponse()));
}@My signal is emitted, however the slot is not executed. Can anybody help in identifying the problem?
You connect the signal in MyGUI constructor.
Is myClient variable initialized at this point?
Does MyGUI instance exist at the time the signal is emitted?