Newbie installation problem [SOLVED]
I downloaded the Qt Online Installer for Windows for installation on my desktop with Windows XP.
I used all the defaults for the installation which took about two hours. I dragged qtcreator.exe to the desktop and clicked it. The screen did not look as I expected. The center section was transparent through which my wallpaper was visible. When I placed the cursor on the “Welcome” icon on the upper left a tooltip appeared but was not removed when I moved the cursor off of it. If I returned the cursor to the icon a second tool tip appeared and could not be removed. This repeated with each selection icon, edit, debug, etc. Clicking on the welcome icon had no effect. I suspect that I have a bad download but at two hours to repeat the installation I would prefer to explore other options first. Does anyone have any suggestions how I might solve this problem? Thank you in advance. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
It's more related to the OpenGL support of XP, try disabling the welcome plugin, it might improve your situation.
Go int the "About Plugins" menu and look for the welcome plugin, you can disable it there