Qt threads practical open source code.
Hello every one,
I am looking into how one gets threading done in Qt lately .The examples found in the doc and on "bogotobogo":http://www.bogotobogo.com/Qt/Qt5_Creating_QtQuick2_QML_Application_Animation_A.php are great but I still feel I need to get a feel on how real world applications use these .It would be great to have both pure QThread based and Qt concurrent based.Any suggestions?
Thanks for your time.
The latest "QThread":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qthread.html#details documentation explains it pretty well
For the rest it really depends on your use case
Thanks SGaist,
The link you provided is good ,I guess I was trying to jump ahead myself :-),
I have seen also that the Qt concurrent framework allows one to write threaded applications in Qt ,to my understanding ,you just call the APIs and Qt takes care of the low level threading details .So here is the question I have ,based on which factors should one decide to use QThread directly or Qt Concurrent for Qt threaded applications?
Thanks again for your time.
"This page":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/threads-technologies.html compares the different ways to use threads in Qt, and provides some example use cases. (There's more than just QThread vs. QtConcurrent!)