QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView strange behaviour
I am not sure whether this is a bug or something I am doing wrong. So I will start here.
I have a large QGraphicsGridLayout on a QGraphicsLinearLayout.
If I put the scene/view in main and draw it so it appears in a mainwindow then it draws correctly but then I cant have min and max buttons.
If I put scene/view in the class so it appears in it's own window then it doesnt complete the drawing fully.here's one build function (I have two windows, this is the smaller one).
@// ***************************************************
windowLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Horizontal);
grid = new QGraphicsGridLayout(windowLayout);grid->setVerticalSpacing(1.0); for (int i = 0; i < grid->columnCount(); i++) grid->setColumnSpacing(i, 1.0); paintNumbers(grid); paintBarNumbers(grid); paintWarps(grid); windowLayout->addItem(grid); setLayout(windowLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Weaving Machine Bar Warp Setup")); scene = new QGraphicsScene(); scene->setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, 1600, 1000)); scene->addItem(this); view = new QGraphicsView(scene); view->setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, 1600, 1000)); view->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); view->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); view->showNormal();
// *******************************************************@
The screen shows blocks painted in color using addlayoutitem to the grid.
I have an Image of the screen but don't know how to put tht here. If anyone cares to tell me how to show it here I will or send me an email (mikejenkinson@yahoo.com).
Why should what is seen via a main window be different when seen through an independent window?
qxoz:edit "@ tag added"
Hi mikejuk,
Welcome to DevNet.
For posting an image you can use any image hosting services, and put link here in "picture" tag:!http://s21.postimg.org/poredjiwj/Untitled.png(example)!
And for future, when you post code examples put them inside @ tags.
Thanks so much for the info.Further to this:
Some of the blocks react to double click coded in paintWarps. Now only the blocks within 640*480 get painted but the blocks beyond that respect the double click. Strange. The colour gets changed from white to red and back as you double click, now I have little red islands on a sea of white space.
Why should only 640*480 get drawn?
PS Is this a bug does one think?
Hers the screen shot
the grey area is 640*480. the numbers top and side run to 64 in each direction!