Frameless window can't contain Opengl context?
I'm upgrading a project from Qt 4.8.5 to Qt 5.2.1, I saw a problem with frameless window and opengl context.
basically the frameless window will become completely transparent, while the opengl widget can still be seen.I'm aware of an old issue of Qt4.8.5, when you create a frameless window to hold an opengl widget, the frameless window cannot be transparent.
how do I solve this problem, is this a bug in Qt, or is this because I haven't set the right window flags.
here is what I'm setting:
Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint| Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint
We have to use frameless window and opengl.
found a Qt bug
which may explain what happened.
I believe this is a QT bug, filed one here with a repro program