QTProcess gets stuck wile running grep
I have the following small C++ Program, which I am trying to run on windows 7, grep is part of mingw and the minwg powered version of Qt:
#include <QStringList>
#include <QProcess>
#include <iostream>const int64_t kBuffSize = 2048;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QProcess grep;
QStringList params;
params << "-e" << "".*pas'"" << ""C:\Path To File\file.dpr"";//argv[1];
grep.start("C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\grep.exe", params);
if (!grep.waitForFinished(60000)) {
// program always exits here
if (grep.state() == QProcess::Running)
return 1;
std::cout << "ready to read" << std::endl;
char buffer[kBuffSize];
while (grep.readLine(buffer, kBuffSize) > 0) {
std::cout << buffer;
if (grep.state() == QProcess::Running)
return 0;
@The problem is grep never returns anything and the output of the program is always @QProcess: Destroyed while process still running@
I also tried:
#include <QStringList>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <iostream>const int64_t kBuffSize = 2048;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QProcess grep;
QStringList params;
params << "-e" << "".*pas'"" << ""C:\Path To File\file.dpr"";//argv[1];
grep.start("C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\grep.exe", params);
if (!grep.waitForFinished(60000)) {
// program always exits here
if (grep.state() == QProcess::Running)
return 1;
std::cout << "ready to read" << std::endl;
char buffer[kBuffSize];
while (grep.readLine(buffer, kBuffSize) > 0) {
std::cout << buffer;
if (grep.state() == QProcess::Running)
return 0;
@ -
Don't double quote your arguments. With your args here:
params << "-e" << "".*pas'"" << ""C:\Path To File\file.dpr"";//argv[1];
@you search for lines that start with a quote (") followed by some characters followed by literal 'pas' followed by apostrophe (') followed by quote ("). I doubt that this is what you want.
Also, your file path is "C:\Path To File\file.dpr" (including the quotes), which does not exist, as no path can start with a quote.
What you probably want is:
params << "-e" << ".*pas'" << "C:\Path To File\file.dpr";
@Also, you can use forward slashes for the path to the exe, Qt handles this for you.
To see what's going wrong, show the error string:
if (!grep.waitForFinished(60000)) {
qDebug() << grep.errorString();
// program always exits here
if (grep.state() == QProcess::Running)
return 1;
@ -
[quote author="Andre" date="1298645066"]You create the application object, but you do not start the event loop... Note that I'm not a 100% sure that that is the problem.[/quote]
At least on Mac OS X (and the other Unices) it works without a Q(Core)Application object. QProcess should start it's own event loop.
QProcess does not need an event loop unless you don't use queued signals :-):
"QProcess docs":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qprocess.html :
waitForStarted and waitForFinished:
bq. This function can operate without an event loop.
but some points:
- setReadChannel after start? What if the process finished before that is executed?
- readLine might not return anything if your process does not output new lines.
ok guys, for the interested, here is the solution of the problem. It seems I had to call first wait for started i got the solution "Here":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5116663/qprocess-is-stuck