and not created for Android
I am currently trying to test my project using the latest beta version of Qt5.3 for Android. My project is a subdir project developed using Qt5.1 and is working perfectly for Qt5.1.
I am able to compile the project without problems for Qt5.3 but not able to launch it. I have checked which sharerd libs have been created and to my surprise I am missing 2, which I don't fully understand and don't know if it is an unsolved issue for this beta version or if I need to do something else for Qt5.3 compared to Qt5.1?
The libs I am missing are and and in my project I am using QML files like the one shown below:
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtMultimedia 5.0Rectangle {
id: root
width: 640
height: 480
color: "black"Video { id: videoItem anchors.fill: parent onStopped: controller.emitAboutToFinish() } Connections { target: controller onStartPlaying: { } onStopPlaying: { videoItem.stop() } onSetNextFile: { videoItem.source = file if (videoItem.playbackState != MediaPlayer.PlayingState && controller.canPlay()) } onStopAndClear: { videoItem.stop() videoItem.source = "" } }
I guess I will never get my project working without the missing libs. Anyone knows if this is a known error (haven't been able to find anything in the bugreports)? Or am I simply just missing something?Thanks and regards
Which Qt package have you installed (is it prebuilt or self-compiled, what OS are you using)?
This should definitely work. I am using Qt 5.3 alpha and beta (compiled myself) on Linux with QtQuick 2 and it works well.
Maybe a packaging bug, then. Please report it on Jira.
[quote author="helthans" date="1396252473"]I have tried with one of the provided examples, and that one is working fine.
As said, my project works fine for Qt5.1, so I didn't expect too much problems using Qt5.3...[/quote]Ah, hm. That makes it strange. Try checking if the .pro file and android manifest are both OK. Also, try bumping QtQuick import to 2.2.
Hmm.. Don't see how the .pro file could be wrong as I have no problems for Qt5.1 - anyhow, checked anyway. The subdir using QML has QT += qml quick. Seems like the android deployment tool doesn't catch those(???). Also, tried to add QT += qml quick to the .pro file of my main application subdir.
Tried to set ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR to point to the directory where I stored my own version of the manifest file. Checked it against the manifest created for Qt5.1 and I couldn't see anything obvious.
From "deployment-android": I found that it is also possible to set ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES to include Qt dependencies - it is just not clear to me how to set these paths, i.e. if I want to specify that the qml plugin should be included.