Android deployment error - ABI is incompatible
When I try to deploy the "Hello world" application to Android, appears the form "Select Android devide" to choose the Android traget. All the virtual devices defined on AVD appears like "Incompatible devices".
Why appear like incompatible?
How can I deploy?
Your figure is broken, but I had a similar issue.
You need prefix default before the ABI name, because the new ndk uses that.
armeabi-v7a -> default/armeabi-v7aTo do so, in Qt creator
select Projects (Ctrl + 5) > Build Environment > Add, to add the variable
Value: default/armeabi-v7a (or whatever you want)If you do this, you wouldn't see the message. But I'm not sure you could deploy the app (because I'm stuck in the next stage ><).
I hope this could help you.
Are you sure this is still an issue? I am using Qt 5.3 beta, Qt Creator 3.1 beta and the newest NDK from Google, and it works without problems.
Yes, putting this variable the device appears like compatible and when select it, runs the Android emulator. But, like you comment, nothing is deployed.
Another problem is, every time debug or run, it launches a new one instance of the Android emulator, doesn't use the instance that is already running.
You may find the solution from my thread: hope this would be helpful.