Qml Photo sharing app
I thought I'd share a cool post by zeecrowddev, over at the "qt-fr forums":http://www.qtfr.org/viewtopic.php?id=16745 . He gave me his blessing beforehand, and would have done so himself if his english was a bit better.
He built a Qml application for sharing various images and photos, using the Zeecrowd platform.Reasons for doing it is because files are hosted and shared through a private and secure network,
meaning they are hidden from search engines, unlike several popular social networks (you probably already thought of one).
So it makes a case for sharing photos, particularly of one's children.After uploading the photos on "ZcFolder":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38285/ , feedbacks came in. ZcFolder is not designed for sharing photos, but documents. It displays the file's names and not the content.
So he took it upon himself to write a Qml application for this, which he conveniently named PhotoAlbum.
He's made the sources available for all on "GitHub":https://github.com/zeecrowddev/PhotoAlbum.Here's what that looks like.
As usual, if any of you would like to better the app, feel free to do so.
Best regards,
zeecrowddev & Pillow
Hello all,
We're kindly letting you know that upon request and in order to allow for easier live commenting on the photos, a new chatroom has been integrated into the application.
Here's feature on a Minecraft-related topic :
Hi everyone,
We've just added the possibility of posting comments on each photo.
Notifications of added posts are in "real time".
Each photo has a counter for the number of comments.The source code is here:
"Your text to link here...":https://github.com/zeecrowddev/PhotoAlbum