Qt 5.3 fails to either build or access resources
If you create a new project with a QMainWindow, then create a new resource file add say a png icon, QMake the project then go to QtCreator and edit the UI (design) and try to change anything that could possibily use the icon (say the window icon as an example or use the icon on a button or label) you will not get any resources to choose from. In 5.0x and 5.1 this worked just fine (just remember to run QMake first). Even doing a full compile and build will not give you access to the resources. Why is this? How are we now to access the resources or are they no-longer supported?
This might be something specific to Qt Creator. Since 5.2 you need to use at least Qt Creator 3. Does it happen with the latest release of creator ?
If so, you should take a look at the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if it something known. If not you should consider opening a new bug report with a minimal compilable example and the instructions to reproduce the bug
Of course it does with the latest QtCreator, as that is what I said it was. There is no other information and the bugs database is clearly useless if they reject all posted bug reports.
You didn't mention the version of Qt Creator in your first post.
What do you mean by "reject all posted bug reports" ?