Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Hello... I have problems with Qt and Visual studio...
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 gives me these errors and does not compile... I have also VS2012 which works well... Qt is compiled with mvsc2012... so maybe it has something to do with that?
You can't mix VS versions, they are not compatible (not Qt's fault, afaik).
To be able to compile with both 2012 and 2013, you need to compile 2 separate Qt builds: one with MSVC 2012 and the other one with MSVC 2013.
But there is no Qt for 2013 yet... I have this one installed:
Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2012, 541 MB)Guess I will have to compile it without installer...
Visual Studio Add-in 1.2.3 Alpha for Qt5 (supports versions 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013, does not work with the Express edition)
That is why I have told you to compile it yourself :-)
You can try Qt 5.3 beta, it comes with MSVC 2013 prebuilt packages.
Already downloading 5.3 beta... Thank you :)
You are welcome :) Please report any bugs you find. If you manage to find any ;) in my opinion even the alpha was very stable.