[Solved] [Not possible] How can I connect things from other Header Files which are "not declared in this Scope"?
Sorry. Totally forgot to update the Status to solved.
I am trying to cleanup my "mainwindow.cpp" and "mainwindow.h".
I have moved some Stuff to "toollist.cpp" and "toollist.h". The following QAction is still in "mainwindow.cpp":
//Actions fuer Menue Tools...
toollistWindowsTaschenrechner = new QAction(tr("Windows Taschenrechner"), this);
connect(toollistWindowsTaschenrechner,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(WindowsTaschenrechner()));
@During Building+Compiling i get the Error:
"toollistWindowsTaschenrechner' was not declared in this scope"My toollist.h contains:
explicit Toollist(QObject *parent = 0);
//Actions fuer Menue Tools...
QAction *toollistWindowsTaschenrechner;
@The toollist.cpp has the following code:
void Toollist::WindowsTaschenrechner()
@Maybe i am too dumb but i dont get it: Why does it dont work anymore? If the above Stuff is in the mainwindow.* Files, it compiles without any Error.
And yes, #include "toollist.h" is in mainwindow.cpp.
You need to create an object of Toollist before you can connect any signal/slot connection. I guess that is the difference you had just 1 class before and now you have 2, so you need an objects for both classes to connect them.
But I don't know to be honest your code snippets look a little weird to me :D -
[quote author="Xander84" date="1395928169"]You need to create an object of Toollist before you can connect any signal/slot connection. I guess that is the difference you had just 1 class before and now you have 2, so you need an objects for both classes to connect them.
But I don't know to be honest your code snippets look a little weird to me :D[/quote]Ok thanks for the Hint. Going back to the Tutorials...
After I took another Look at it, i finally managed to get the Stuff working:
A.) I created a new Header+CPP File and moved all the Stuuf over there
B.) Created a class for the Actions and the Menu
C.) Create and Call the Object of the Class from the "mainwindow.cpp"One Error gone. So far so good. But:
After I have moved all the things to a seperate Header+Class File to get a cleaner mainwindow.cpp, the Compiler now tells me"Invalid use of incomplete type QAction"
sigh -.- Well one thing after another.
You are missing
@#include <QAction>@
In the cpp file where you are using it
ROFL Oh my yes you are right. Such a dumb mistake. I moved all other #include Files over from mainwindow.cpp. But I forgot that one somehow.
Anyway: I am sure I had remembered this in the next few Minutes but thanks for saving me some time :)
If nothing else related to this comes up, i will finally declare this Topic as Solved.
Oliver[quote author="SGaist" date="1405368983"]Hi,
You are missing
@#include <QAction>@
In the cpp file where you are using it[/quote]
Oh fantastic: Now i get
"undefined Reference to actionsCreate::createActions" and
"undefined Reference to menuCreate::createMenu in mainwindow.cpp"But the classes and Functions are still in menueactions.h and menueactions.cpp
In mainwindow.cpp i call:
//For the Actions...
actionsCreate newActions;
newActions.createActions();//For the Menu...
menuCreate newMainMenu;
@actionsCreate and menuCreate are the Names of the Classes. createActions and createMenu are the Functions within the classes.
I have changed nothing. Did a clean -> qmake -> rebuild, restarted Creator but nothing. Strange. It just stopped working.
Has anyone an Idea?
Aren't you moving a bit too much stuff around ? Why a new class for the actions and the menu bar ?
I want the mainwindow.cpp as clean as possible. I want to learn to write good and clean code even if i will never make money of it. Its a personal thing.
But I needed to create Objects of/for the Functions to be able to have a working Menu and creating those classes works for me.
Is there a better Solution?
Then have a look at Qt's example/demos coding style. They are pretty clean.
I found a little time and got things to work. Even all Segmentation Faults are gone. But as usual i ran into another Problem:
Having my Menu and Actions combined into MenueActions.cpp, I now call the Menu and Action Creation like this:
In MainWindow.cpp:
//Creating an Object of MenueActions...
MenueActions mainWindowMainMenu;
//Using the Object and call MenueActions::createMenu()...
@The Code in MenueActions.cpp -> createMenu() is:
void MenueActions::createMenu()
mainWindowMainMenuBar = new QMenuBar(0);Datei = new QMenu(0); Datei=mainWindowMainMenuBar->addMenu(tr("&Datei")); dateiNeu = new QAction(tr("Neue leere Datei erzeugen"), this); connect(dateiNeu,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(Neu())); Datei->addAction(dateiNeu); dateiNeu->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_N)); dateiNeu->setWhatsThis(tr("Erzeugt eine neue leere Text Datei")); dateiNeu->setStatusTip(tr("Erzeugt eine neue leere Text Datei")); dateiNeu->setToolTip(tr("Erzeugt eine neue leere Text Datei"));
[Cutted out the "same code" for other Menu Entrys...]
mainWindowMainMenuBar->addMenu(Datei); mainWindowMainMenuBar->addMenu(PADs); mainWindowMainMenuBar->addMenu(Tools); mainWindowMainMenuBar->addMenu(Hilfe);
@No Errors but the Menu dont show up in the MainWindow of the Application. Using "show();" just execute the Menu (in a second Window). So i disabled that again.
I am using a Layout. The current Code within mainwindow.cpp is:
mainWindowWidget = new QWidget(this);//Main Layout! qGridLayout = new QGridLayout;
LinkListe = new QTextEdit;
LinkListe->setReadOnly(true);//Einfacher Texteditor (Zu Beginn nur ein simpler Dateibetrachter!) TextEditor = new QTextEdit; TextEditor->setReadOnly(true); OpenAntrag = new QTextEdit; OpenAntrag->setReadOnly(true); statusBar = new QStatusBar; statusBar->setEnabled(true); statusBar->show(); statusBar->showMessage(tr("I am the Statusbar"), 90000);
statusBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
statusBarLayout->addWidget(statusBar);layoutLinkListe = new QVBoxLayout;
layoutLinkListe->addWidget(LinkListe);layoutTextEditor = new QVBoxLayout; layoutTextEditor->addWidget(TextEditor); layoutOpenAntrag = new QVBoxLayout; layoutOpenAntrag->addWidget(OpenAntrag); qGridLayout->addLayout(layoutLinkListe, 0,0); qGridLayout->addLayout(layoutTextEditor, 0,1); qGridLayout->addLayout(layoutOpenAntrag, 0,2); qGridLayout->addLayout(statusBarLayout, 1,0); mainWindowWidget->setLayout(qGridLayout); MenueActions mainWindowMainMenu; mainWindowMainMenu.createMenu(); setCentralWidget(mainWindowWidget); mainWindowWidget->show();
I have found a dozen of Tips for Qt 4.x - but that haven't helped me in anyway: Functions like "exec()" or "run()" are not available under Qt 5.3.1
Should i create an extra Class and put the Layout and Menu Creation into one?
Thanks and good night :)
Oliver -
There's no need for mainWindowMainMenuBar, QMainWindow already has a menu bar that you can retrieve with menuBar()
As for why it doesn't show, you don't put it in any layout nor are you calling show on it.