Accessing QML TabView's Component properties "from the outside"
I have a TabView with a simple TextArea:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Rectangle { TabView { id: tabs Component.onCompleted: { addTab("tab1", comp1) } } Component { id: comp1 TextArea { id: textArea text: "Component 1" } } }
The result is as expected:, I want to access tab elements from the outside. using a property alias. I tried the following without success:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Rectangle { property alias comp1Text: tabs.getTab(0).textArea // <<== TabView { id: tabs Component.onCompleted: { addTab("tab1", comp1) }
Component { id: comp1 TextArea { id: textArea text: "Component 1" } } }
For the moment, I get the following error:
Invalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as <id>, <id>.<property> or <id>.<value property>.<property>
property alias comp1Text: tabs.getTab(0).textArea // <<==@So how can I access items that are enclosed into a TabView?
Thanks a lot for any help.