QTablewidget ItemAt->text() ????
Hi everyone :D
so.. i've written some kind of table-handling program there is [ add, remove, clear, move up-down, edit ] buttons.
everything works except "edit" (load the text of the selected item to string):
QString varaible1;
QString varaible2;
QString varaible3;
I thougt that maybe the "SelectedItems()[ 0 ]" is the problem... I have SelectionBehaviour = SelectRows so this currently one single row and that method works fine in the move up-down slots:
@if (ui->tableWidget->selectedItems().count()>1)
for (int i=0; i<=5; i++)
currentitem = ui->tableWidget->takeItem(ui->tableWidget->selectedItems()[0]->row(), i);
itemabove = ui->tableWidget->takeItem(ui->tableWidget->selectedItems()[0]->row()-1, i);
After i checked it with a debug, if i click on the Edit button, all variables from 1-3 gets the value of variable1 :S
[EDIT: code fixup for [ 0 ] in text, Volker]
The problem is itemAt(). This method wants a coordinate in mouse pixels, not the row and column of a widget in the item.
Either use the items of selectedItems() directly or use method item() of the table view. The latter takes a row and column as argument.
The same goes for the takeItem().
See the "QTableWidget":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtablewidget.html class reference for further details and an explanation of the arguments that the various methods take.
PS: the first code snippet will not compile.