QtQuick 2.0 doesn't supported by Qt Designer in 5.2.1
I just installed Qt 5.2.1 on Windows 7 and start creating a single QML File (Qt Quick 2) with some code. When I edit this QML file in Qt Designer, it says "Use Qt Quick 1 code model instead of Qt Quick 2". Now when I start a new Qt Quick UI project instead of a single QML file (from Files and Classes), it doesn't show any error in Qt Designer. Also, it show red and yellow line in Qml file when used as a single file. Here's the code:
// Note: The below code works fine when I run using qmlscene, but show red and yellow line.
@import QtQuick 2.2Item {
id: topItem
width: 500
height: 500
Rectangle {
width: 150
height: 40
border.width: 1
border.color: Qt.hsla(.2, .4, .2, .2)
radius: 3
// Or use anchors.verticalCenter and anchors.horizontalCenter
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: Qt.rgba(.9, .2, .1, .9)MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent // here shows the error in cursorShape in codeEditor, but works fine when I run this code cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } Text { id: myBtn text: "<a href='http://google.com'>Click me</a>" textFormat: Text.RichText anchors.centerIn: parent font { family: "Source Sans Pro Black" pixelSize: 14 } onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link); } }