[SOLVED] remove row from QTableView with QSQLTableModel
Hi! I have a QTableView filled using a mySQL database through QSQLTableModel.
I can edit the values and soon they are updated on the database as expected.
The problem comes when I try to delete one record, I tried different ways as I found some examples on the Internet. The "best" snippet I found is the following but even this doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?
The record that I want to delete is the currently selected (only one row can be selected at once).@ //allBooksModel: QSqlTableModel
//ui->allBooksTable: QTableView
QModelIndexList list = ui->allBooksTable->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
QModelIndex index = list.at(0);allBooksModel->removeRow(index.row(), index);@
Thanks ;)
IIRC, you should just call removeRow(index.row())
Oh wow, the constructor asks also for the QModelndex so i fought a lot for nothing!
Now I can remove the line, also from the database.. but.. it removes the wrong line!!
I hope to find out what's the problem!!
Thanks again -
Kind of strange problem.
A wrong row is removed because the elements are sorted just before to delete the row! I'm using QSortFilterProxyModel for sorting and filtering... -
You are getting the index from your proxy, you should get the original index from your proxy model using mapToSource
Thank you! It works correctly now, but I can still see the empty rows when I delete them. I can solve re-selecting the model, is it the correct way?
AFAIK you should not need to