Accessing a child/item's property in Repeater
How do I access the text property of xText for various children/items (a,b,c)?
I'm able to initialize the property using the model, but what if I want to modify it after initialization or bind to it in C++?
property string a: "A"
property string b: "B"
property string c: "C"Row {
id: xRow
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: true
spacing: 5Repeater { id:xRepeater model: [a, b, c] Image { id:xImage width: 78; height: 70 fillMode: Image.Stretch source: "imgs/x.png" smooth: true Text { id: xText anchors {centerIn: parent} text: modelData font {pixelSize: 36} color: "black" } }//end of image }//end of repeater block }//end of of row block@
For this you will need a dynamic model like ListModel or if you want to access from C++ a child class of QAbstractItemModel or a QList<QObject*>. I would recommend using QAbstractItemModel. With this kind of model, changes to the model will cause the repeater to update its content. -
You can try something like this:
property list<QtObject> myModel: [
QtObject{text: "A"},
QtObject{text: "B"},
QtObject{text: "C"}
]Row {
id: xRow
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: true
spacing: 5Repeater { id:xRepeater model: myModel Image { id:xImage width: 78; height: 70 fillMode: Image.Stretch source: "imgs/x.png" smooth: true Text { id: xText anchors {centerIn: parent} text: modelData.text font {pixelSize: 36} color: "black" } }//end of image }//end of repeater block }//end of of row block
This way, changes in your object properties should cause binding reevaluation. However, I don't know how this would be mapped into C++. Probably a QList<QObject*> or a QVariantList but you will have to test this to be sure.