QtCreator - incorrect error highlighting on TableView {anchors.fill: .....}
I'm developing a desktop app using Qt Creator. In the QML shown below, the 'anchors.fill' in TableView highlights as an error. It still builds and runs correctly, any idea as to why this is happening? I know that TableView inherits anchors.fill from Item as per the documentation, so it shouldn't show as an error.
@import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
import QtQuick 2.1
import PartyTime 1.0Rectangle { id: mainWindow width: 0.7 * parent.width anchors { top: menubar.bottom; bottom: errorConsole.top; left: treeWindow.right } border.width: 1 border.color: "dark grey" Rectangle { id: traceTitleBar width: parent.width height: 20 color: "grey" Text { anchors.left: parent.left text: "System Trace" } } PartyTime { id: ptimeMessage1 width: parent.width height: parent.height - traceTitleBar.height anchors.top: traceTitleBar.bottom TableView { anchors.fill: parent //* <-- anchors is error highlighted here* id: traceTable TableViewColumn{ title: "Index"; width: 0.25 * mainWindow.width; } TableViewColumn{ title: "Type"; width: 0.25 * mainWindow.width; } TableViewColumn{ title: "ID"; width: 0.25 * mainWindow.width; } TableViewColumn{ title: "Timestamp"; width: 0.25 * mainWindow.width; } } } }@