Drag and drop QListView
There's a scroll issue when i move an item withing a QListView with drag and drop.I added both QListWidget and QListView to the layout. Added several items to QListWidget and then set the QListView’s model to QListWidget::model();
Then I set both’s
and what I get is that QListWidget works properly (it does’n scroll anywhere, and the moved item stays selected) but QListView doesn’t behave the same way (it scrolls to top and selects eithe the index item used to be at or the one right next to where it was depending on moving the item up or down the list).
Seems like I just don’t know something about it but I can’t figure this out. -
Please don't post the same thread three time, have some patience.
You can also check the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if it's something that has been reported