Getting events from COM objects
I don't know much about windows programming and I'm trying to get events from the InkCollector COM class ("":
I tried without going through Qt, but it seems like the events are blocked somewhere in Qt, so I tried by using QAxObject this way:
StringFromCLSID(CLSID_InkCollector, &clsid);QAxObject *comObj = new QAxObject( QString::fromWCharArray(clsid), this );
connect( comObj, SIGNAL(MouseDown(InkMouseButton, InkShiftKeyModifierFlags, long, long, VARIANT_BOOL* )), handler, SLOT(MouseDown(InkMouseButton, InkShiftKeyModifierFlags, long, long ,VARIANT_BOOL *)) );
@Unfortunately I get the error "No such signal QAxObject::MouseDown[...]" at runtime.
Is there something I'm missing here?
Thank you.