Hindi font support for Qt/qml in linux
I am trying to create an application with hindi font support. Text written in english is not displayed in hindi. But If i write it in hindi it is displaying in hindi.
FontLoader { id: hindi source: "/home/sakshi/development/adt-bundle-linux-x86/sdk/platforms/android-17/data/fonts/DroidSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf";
x: 149
y: 348
width: 428
height: 44
text: "\nजोड़े आपको दुनिया से"
font.family: hindi.name
}with this text will be displayed as जोड़े आपको दुनिया से
FontLoader { id: hindi;
source: "/home/sakshi/development/adt-bundle-linux-x86/sdk/platforms/android-17/data/fonts/DroidSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf";
x: 149
y: 348
width: 428
height: 44
text: "\nWelcome"
//text: hindi.status == FontLoader.Ready ? 'Loaded' : 'Not loaded'
font.family: hindi.name
}in this case output is "welcome". How can i display the fonts in Hindi. if i dont have the .ttf file where should i copy the file? how to display my app on the screen in hindi?