Noob question about Properties and Scopes
I'm totally new into the Qt and qml stuff and I just waste my all day trying to understand the property scopes without success. So I have a Table View with an Item delegate like this:
TableView {
id: logView
model: logModel
itemDelegate: Item {
id: logItem
property int idLog: -1
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: console.log( parent.parent.idLog) //always -1
//onClicked: console.log( logItem.idLog)
}Component.onCompleted: { if (styleData.role === "idLog"){ console.log(styleData.value) // 1 and 2 idLog = styleData.value } } }
Component.onCompleted: {
@And all I want is to save the id into the item prop so I can retrieve it after when I click the rect. I always get -1. Why is that?
See "this": You should not be saving the stuff in a delegate, as the engine is allowed to create and delete those components as they are needed.
Thank you! after proper reading I can see now how nasty is to try saving things in a delegate. So now what I'm doing is to simply access the model directly in this way:
onClicked: {
var model = logModel.get(styleData.row)
console.log("idLog",model.idLog) //prints correct id
But now my question is this: can I expect to have always a correlation between the row and the original object index? I tried removing elements and it seems that the model keeps track correctly but, should I be aware of a better way of doing this? gotchas? -
Hm, that is a good question. I don't think you should depend upon it, as it is possible to remove an item from the middle of the list - the index might jump then. But I am not sure. If you have a use case where you are certain the list will not be reordered, and that nothing will be removed from it, I think you can assume the index will stay valid.