Qt5.1.1 cannot find dlls (Win7)
I have written a program with Qt. When I try to build it on my PC I get the following errors:
cannot find -lqtmain
cannot find -lQt5Quick
cannot find -lQt5Qml
cannot find -lQt5Network
cannot find -lQt5Gui
cannot find -lQt5Core
error: Id returned 1 exit statusWhen I copy the project to another PC I don't get any errors.I geht the errors only on that PC.
So I thought it is a problem with the installation and uninstalled the Qt and instlalled the latest version from this site. But the errors are still there.
I think it is a problem with the dlls in the installation directory.Can anybody help me with this problem?
Thank you for all answers!
Sorry for push but I'm interested how you fixed this problem.
I have the same problem: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38834/
I had 2 guys who tried to fix it. But without success.