XQCamera full screen on Symbian
Hi folks,
Currently I am working on an Application which involves the Camera. Currently I tried using the XQCamera it works but with some issues which I cannot seem to resolve:
The quality when using the XQViewFinderWidget is very poor
The camera size cannot be full screen, even if I change the setViewfinderSize() larger than 256x192 (which takes only the half of the screen)
Have somebody managed to make the camera full screen using the XQCamera API?
"Here":http://i.imgur.com/tZaZw.jpg is the image of my phone
Software information:
- Symbian^3
- Qt 4.6.3
- Qt Mobility 1.0.2
Because we need to publish to Ovi and right now Nokia Smart Installer supports only Qt Mobility 1.0.2 and I don't know when the Qt Mobility 1.1 (and Qt 4.7) will be available for Ovi (and S^3) and the risk not worth it.
But when Qt Mobility 1.1 will be out won't XQCamera be deprecated and you might have to again update your application. Sorry this is not a solution for your problem. But I am also waiting for Qt Mobility 1.1 to be available for Symbian devices with better stability.
can anybody help me, I want XQCamera mobile extension api.
Please help me thanks in advance